Explore Our Adult Outpatient Treatment Programs
For over 40 years, Anderson-Oconee-Pickens Mental Health Center has been offering adult outpatient treatment programs in South Carolina. Whether you need individual treatment or group therapy, we’ve got you covered.
From initial assessment, individual, family, and group therapy, crisis intervention services, service plan development, nursing services, psychiatric medical assessments, medication monitoring, behavioral modification services, injection administration services, peer support services, family outreach, to dual diagnosis support, we offer a vast array of services.
Veterans are welcome! We welcome anyone who has served in the armed forces and will work with you as you move toward your recovery goals. If you are eligible for VA services, we will also assist in your transition to the VA.
Why Choose Us
ICT Services
Intensive Community Treatment (ICT) is a specialized team which provides an array of mental health services for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) who need intensive levels of support and services in their natural environment to permit or enhance functioning in the community. An array of mental health services are offered for these individuals that need more intensive levels of support and service, in their preferred environment to enhance or permit functioning in the community. ICT has been designed to be provided through a designated multidisciplinary approach where services are “wrapped around” clients by a team of mental health professionals and shall include medical psychotherapy, psychiatric assessment, medication management, and care coordination activities, offered outside the clinic, hospital or office setting for individuals who are best served in the community. Anderson-Oconee-Pickens Mental Health Center ICT team provide intensive services to patients with a history of treatment non-compliance, multiple hospitalizations, and frequent emergency department visits, with and/or without co-occurring substance disorders. The patients will receive mental health services primarily in their homes.
Goals of the program
IPS Program
Individual Placement Support (IPS) Program is a collaboration with the Department of Mental Health and the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Services. The core belief and focus of the model, emphasizes competitive employment opportunities for individuals who are involved in recovery and who are overcoming mental health issues. We staff specialized Job Coaches & Employment Specialists that meet clients where they are, and help them on the path to find employment and vocational opportunities. We work with patients to ensure that their interests, skills, strengths and abilities are properly matched with jobs. Our mental health staff and vocational rehabilitation staff, provide ongoing job support, coaching and skill building which benefit our patients, as well as the many employers we work closely with. This important linkage helps to instill hope, self-esteem, and resiliency on our patients road to recovery.
Mobile Crisis Program
Mobile Crisis is a program that is staffed by trained masters’ level clinicians who provide adults and children with clinical screening in person, at the place of the crisis, at the local mental health center, or over the telephone.
The goal is to de-escalate the crisis and provide individuals in crisis and their families, with ongoing mental health treatment, as well as, any needed community resources. We also strive to support those in crisis and divert those served from unnecessary hospitalizations and incarcerations, develop safety plans and assist with connecting the individuals to the appropriate level of care.
If you or someone you know needs services, we can be reached at the mobile crisis hotline. Calls will be answered by representatives who will screen the call and route them to one of our locally trained staff. The Mobile Crisis Hotline number is: 833-364-2274.